Entering Death’s ValleyWhile taking a course in California Ecology, in college, and reading cards, still using playing cards, something odd kept appearing in the…Jul 27, 202424Jul 27, 202424
The Tarot and MeThe journey towards the Tarot began completely unexpectedly. It started in a study hall, in my sophomore year of high school. Very quietly…Mar 26, 202422Mar 26, 202422
The Blue of the NightJ.A.N., Jahn A. to his friends. No one really knew what the A. stood for. Actually, it stood for nothing, his parents just couldn’t agree…Oct 30, 202330Oct 30, 202330
Equality, Are You Sure?Jefferson wrote: “ We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal…”, do we really believe that, and if so in what…Feb 28, 202323Feb 28, 202323
The Non-EventHere, at the keyboard, sitting, am in a 25 year relationship with a fine man. Have listened to his stories of coming out, have read so…Jan 17, 202112Jan 17, 202112
Some thoughts about the CreatorWhether “Let there be Light” or the Big Bang, or who knows what, the result is the same, the current Universe, and us in it. Science is…Jan 5, 202135Jan 5, 202135
So FullKatherine, my grand-niece sat across from me at Thanksgiving, a curious surprise. Being somewhat curmudgeonly, in the social secured set…Nov 27, 202013Nov 27, 202013