Have only read The Plague, so my knowledge of Camus is limited. Absurdity, to me, is expecting people to be other than they are, or waiting for them to change, cannot think of a more Sisyphean task.
Accepting the world as it is, may be an absurd activity, but so far have found no other avenue that works.
Your number 4, to me, is to accept the limits of control that are inherent on one. Namely one's words, actions and reactions. All else lies beyond any control and can simply be accepted or rejected but cannot be changed from without.
Which is a long about way of saying one must do what is necessary, in all circumstances, come what may, to accept the fate that always lies directly before one, with grace, if that possibility presents itself, while doing as little harm as possible and protecting the most, if not all. An aim, but not an achievable one.