Have recently read volume two of Stephen Kotkin’s biography of Stalin. Munich is dealt with there. His thesis is that Britain needed to arm and be ready for the coming war.
Chamberlain confounded Hitler. Hitler seriously wanted to start the war in 1938. None of the future allies were prepared. So, in an inoffensive attitude he agreed to everything Hitler asked and stymied him.
He bought time. The most precious resource of all. With it he put 50% of Britain’s GDP towards preparedness. That meant the shells of factories scattered across Britain. Increased orders of munitions, planes, training for the troops, and shoring up the allies.
Churchill never criticized Chamberlain, which should say something.
No one expected the blitzkrieg or the fall of France. He was expecting help from quarters that were lost early on.
Appeasement was a slogan made for political use not a policy for politicians.