I admire the goal you set forth. Every day, seemingly ordinary people do extraordinary actions. Yet as they as a rule do not seek recognition, for what is in their eyes, merely something they were able to do, so they did it.
Someone like Ghandi or Mandela, who worked to free a people, illustrates the struggles that may ensue, from stepping forward, when the people do not.
My story of just getting to twenty could be a heroic journey, but for me, it was just my life.
When one is trying to fight a war for freedom, there is inevitably some injustices involved or invoked.
In Churchill’s case, the British people may have starved, which would have severely weakened the war effort, and quite possibly allowed Hitler to triumph. That does not absolve him of the tragedy, but it is worth remembering, and teaching, in both India and the United Kingdom, what the price of victory and freedom can be.
We all stand on the shoulders of those who went before us. Our character is largely determined by whose shoulders we seek to stand, that we might see further and clearer the road forward.
I truly appreciate your aim, down here, on the ground, the way forward is often blocked, filled with stumbles, and not always a clear vision of the best way forward. Don’t stop looking for a better way, you may yet find one.