If one replaces the "Let there be Light" with the Big Bang, the rest of the creation story follows closely what science says happened, and in the order that it did. The end of the first chapter of Genesis states "He created man in his own image." The image there, at least in Hebrew is a non-physical image. Otherwise known as an idea, a thought, a consciousness. To be God, best addressed as It, is to be the consciousness of this universe, the signal within all the noise.
None of which reduces or replaces the feminine. Since God is both, masculine and feminine(as well as much else) are equal, neither is greater or lesser than the other, merely different.
Trying to give a sex to God, who by definition created it, seems a little odd at best. Acknowledging the feminine as well, instead of going overboard on masculinity is a necessary part of life.
Its all well and good to go out about doing this and that, but it is also wonderful to just be, and have some receptivity to what is around one, to be aware
It seems to come down to a question of balance..