Looking at what other people have and pining for it, desiring it, wanting it is a great way to kill all the life within one. It is a decay that gradually empties all that made one interesting, fun, that allows one to retain a youthfulness, a curiosity and interest in life.
Perhaps this explains the opening line of the 23rd Psalm, “The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want,”. Or the tenth Commandment. Both are entreaties to enjoy one’s life, to be content, to be grateful for what one has.
Envy, seems to be the worst vice, one can recover from the rest by restoring a balance. Envy has hallowed out every thing, leaving only a lean and hungry look.
It never hurts to remember that there will always be greater and lesser beings, accomplished, and a hundred plus other categories. As the Desiderata taught, go humbly and enjoy.
Really enjoy your essay on envy.