McConnell had plenty of opportunity to remove the filibuster, at the urging of Pres. Trump, and refused. He is not likely to change.
The Republican party, amazingly, is becoming the party of both the working class and minorities. This is astounding, and is only made possible, by the foolishness of the Democrats and their current far Left policies, that have no grip on either of those groups.
Adlai Stevenson, when running for President, was at a whistle stop. One man called out to him. Senator Stevenson, you have all the thinking people behind you. Stevenson, responded immediately, "That is not enough, I need a majority."
The Hispanics/Latinos are leaving the Dems as the college educated are leaving the Reps. There are many more of the former than the latter. Which is why the Republicans will gain control. The Democrats no longer speak to or for the Hispanics/Latinos or the working class.
As to the rest of your parade of horribles, am always optimistic on America, maybe wrong, but continue to have faith in her basic good nature its striving for fair play.