Michael Kupperberg
4 min readSep 26, 2024


One View

“The pain of separation, is as nothing,

The Joy of union, all.”

The line is from a former writer, now dead, who occasionally did some poetry. It expressed his understanding, of the difference, between being alive and being dead. While alive, there is the almost perpetual sense of being separate, for all the angst that may produce, it is more of an imagined sense, than an actual one. While at death, one is once again joined with that from which one emerged. A unity, that has been here forever, and a day, but which all to many of us, choose to limit, by focusing on our limited lives and views.

A lot of my view is based on physics. According to which, before this universe was birthed or banged, into existence, all the power, energy, and love, in the universe, existed in a sole entity, known as a singularity. According to Hinduism, from the little that have learned of it, it would be referred to as “The Night of Brahma”, Brahma, being the Lord of Creation. Whether things went bang, boom, or busted up, the Singularity was ruptured. Instantly energy emerged, evolving quickly into light, and the changes that brought about have yet to stop.

From this singular light, eventually some thousands of enormous suns, perhaps the size of our solar system or galaxy burst forth. All born of one source, all with the same energy of said source. Eventually, some many years later, carbon had developed within them, bringing about their death spirals. From their dying vomit, spread across the universe, were born all elements, from carbon onward…



Michael Kupperberg

San Francisco native, lived mostly in the Bay Area, spent time being a hippie, a real estate broker, residence hotel manager, living in the country, life is goo