People are who they are. They do that best by being themselves. As Oscar Wilde wrote: “You might as well be yourself, every one else is taken.”.
For an actor to inhabit a role and be able to transmit that, to an audience is something wonderful to see.
Remember seeing Richard Burton, in his last stage role in Camelot. Playing Arthur, he appeared on the stage to gasps and cries, that made it clear, even with all the makeup, the toll his life had taken on him, was obvious. Could he pull it off?
After 30-45 seconds, wasn’t counting, but it was a lull, he began to speak. Ten minutes later, and for the rest of the performance, he held us in his hand. He literally could have read the phone book and it would not have mattered.
Standing ovations were not a common occurrence, he got one.
Her. Caine, a San Francisco newspaper columnist, said stars were coming from all over to see him act, it was easy to see why.
Was on my thirties and outside of opera have not seen the like.