You have an uphill climb in front of you.
While agreeing in part , seriously advise that you investigate “the tragedy of the commons”.
It serves as a riposte to your deep concern, which is worthwhile.
As a former land owner, around five acres, tended towards native plants, weeding out invasive species, and going for a semi-natural approach. Definitely not finely landscaped.
The larger problem, in my view, is the refusal of those with land to allow for more housing.
Granted it would take pressures off rents, while also lowering the price of real estate.
Getting people to be less greedy is not an easy thing to achieve. Yet without that, homelessness will only grow, crime increase, and our cities become unlivable in parts, if not completely.
Owning property tends, but only tends, to make people take better care of the land and house. Having no one owning any land is more Lil to degrade it both further and more quickly.