You make a good case, if somewhat over the top.
Lets begin with what has actually happened with abortion. The Dobbs Case, from Mississippi was decided in favor of Mississippi. What that means is that a 15 week limit for abortion is Constitutional.
It has six votes for it.
You are referring to a draft opinion, that may indeed become the final opinion, but if that were to have happened, it should have happened already. Which indicates to me, that it is dead. Just what the outcome of the case will be is yet to be determined. Am more than willing to wait and see what appears, before getting upset or bothered.
As for ending interracial marriage, just do not believe that Justice Thomas will legal use that as a means of divorcing his wife. It might be a neat trick, but they do seem to at least like each other.
Bringing up a list of red herrings when the Amrican Public has moved on is not going to work or do.
Removing gay rights as a Federal Right will not necessarily effect the states, they may indeed change their laws, but a number of large companies prefer to be open to all applicants, and even move their offices, if it displaces good qualified people.
Just do not see that happening.
Gay marriage being overruled, not likely, 90+ percent of America is ok with it.
The American public may get squirrely from time to time, but once they accept something, that seems to hold. Have faith in your fellow Americans, they may surprise you yet.