You raise an interesting proposition. For years have been convinced, that at least in some cases, cancer is a result of being stuck between to relationship situations, in which there is no way to satisfy both. That being said, dementia, whiting out the world, may be a way of dealing with it.
There is also a difference between buring one's feelings and giving one' a moment or two to register the reaction, pause, and then reply, so as not to get caught in a tit for tat , that probably has no end. Do not know if this was Gregory's tact, but it could have been.
There is also a difference between burying one's feelings, and taking a moment to acknowledge them, but replying with a calmer and kinder mind.
What actually is done by each person, or their thoughts, is beyond our ability to perceive. The best we can do is to go forth, as Lincoln suggested, "with malice towards none and charity to all."